Quantum Light Autogentics                                                                                                                                     “AETHER, MIND, MATTER”






Energy Medicine Practitioner~Licensed Myotherapy Practitioner-Clinical






A QUANTUM SYMBOL                                                         This beautiful swirling symbol of vast antiquity is the Triskelion

…known to symbolize the Holy Trinity as far back as the Middle Ages but has even earlier origins in ancient Pre-Christian Celtic tradition, where it was used to indicate the presence of a healer or shaman.  It is also an expression of “the unity of the mental, physical and spiritual self”.  The dynamic synergy and balance of these three elements allows the embodiment of perfect health on all levels and true healing which is the ultimate goal of my practice! 


It is a symbol that has always held a deep attraction for me even before I knew of all the meanings behind it. Shortly after this symbol first caught my eye, my mother, a master healer in her own right, in a twist of synchronicity, gave me a pendant with the Triskele embossed upon it. This series of events was beyond coincidence, motivating me to learn more.  I cannot imagine a more appropriate logo to represent what I do!







QUANTUM LIGHT AUTOGENICS is a multi- dimensional approach to healing, utilizing NFR  Technique, Orthopedic and Myofunctional Therapy as well as Guided Meditation, Aetheric Color and Light therapy to address and overcome emotional and physical limitation, trauma 

and pain.



It is important that you know that it is not required to subscribe to any specific belief system or understand any of these concepts to have successful Quantum Light Healing because you light body already knows what to do. This is just a glimpse into this healing work driven by my own perception, professional and personal learning and direct experience.

Quantum Light Healing and The Ascension Journey
The Light Body already Knows that Aetheric Light Heals...
Lightbody Color Codes and Multi Dimensional Healing
All Healing is revealed to be Multi-Dimensional Healing…
Autogenics, NFR and the Nervous System
The Nervous System is Both Physical and Energetic…


What is Quantum Light Healing?
  • A Treatment Session      
  • Treatment Objectives
  • Concerning Time
  • Client Preparation
  • Practical Suggestions
  • Dialogue, Experiential knowing and Reflection



What is Lightbody Astral Travel Meditation?

There are a myriad of ways to calm, quiet and center the mind.  Meditation can be an amazing catalyst for healing on all levels, personal growth as well as the general expansion of awareness. 


Light body Astral Travel is a guided practice where we can go within, calm the mind, guide it to let go and use our consciousness as a vehicle to experience our light body essence.  In this state, we are guided to travel in the astral in our expanded light body form for the purposes of spiritual understanding, growth and healing on a multidimesional level.  



Gatherings for mind expansion, dialogue and making connecions along the journey


~ Light Body Astral Travel Group Meditations (also available for individuals) 

~ Video Watch Parties presenting topics of consciousness, intuitive and spiritual growth, mystery history.  Viewing always followed by discussion.